Well, it looks like the Blood Curdling Blog of Monster Masks reached it's first milestone with this being our 100th post! Continuing on with our countdown to
Maskfest, here's a quick look at David Lady's table from last year. David had an excellent array of new and old masks for sale, as well as a good number of blanks for the do-it-yourself-ers out there.
The good Doctor's table featured some really nice blanks of classic monsters including: Laura Lady's IT! The Terror mask. Several Carol Hicks blanks were available including: the Closet Monster, and a Jan's Head from "The Brain that Wouldn't Die", a Teenage Vampire, and others.
If you're planning on checking out Maskfest this year, be sure to stop by David Lady's table, the man possesses a wealth of knowledge on the history of monster masks, and he literally wrote
the book on the subject..
I was lucky enough to pick up two Don Post Calendar Reissues from David last year. This most excellent Bela Lugosi Dracula, and Mummy...
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