In the early to mid 90's, Cinema Secrets was producing the best mass produced masks on the market. The sculptures and finishing work were vastly superior to anything that Don Post Studios or Distortions was producing at the time. To be fair, the prices of Cinema Secrets masks reflected the quality, as they were typically the most expensive mass produced masks to be found at the time.
By 1994, Cinema Secrets had secured three big licenses in the form of Freddy Kruger, Jason and Leather Face. The deluxe versions of these masks were all very collectible versions of the slashers. All three could be seen in ads that ran in Fango during the late summer months of 1994...
Cinema Secrets Freddy, Jason and Leather Face Masks |
The ad ran in both color and black and white. In addition to the licensed characters, some of Cinema Secrets original "Halloween FX" character designs could be seen. I was always a huge fan of the "Scary Crow" mask and the "Delux O-Beast Troll" mask.
Thank you for your kind words! Scary Crow was always one of our non-licensed favorites too. It's nice to know our masked were loved, we miss having them in our line currently.