Thursday, April 30, 2015

Early Don Post Studios Bald Wig Dealer Ad

While not monster mask related, this dealer ad is an interesting piece of early Don Post Studios history. According to Matt Post, the Yul Brenner Skin / Bald Cap was sold about 1956 / 1957, probably after the King and I was actually released, and was not licensed.

 Image Source: Matt Post


  1. We saw a copy of this ad many years ago at Morris Costumes...
    in a collection of "clip-art" while they were putting together their new catalog...
    we also remember that Nadel and others made a poor quality version....
    Gordon Wheeler would ship these (his version in flesh and white) ....
    they came in smaller boxes labeled "frozen yogurt" (50lbs. each)...

  2. That is hilarious. The Ultimate Warrior man, love him in that flick.

  3. Love the back stories from Morris! Thank you kindly good Doctor for sharing these tidbits of history
