Here's the classic Topstone Mummy as it appeared in 1960s & 70s ads. Ads scanned rom Warren Publisher's Horror magazines and Comics.
Pictured here are a few of the well preserved surviving copies of the Topstone Mummy mask. Copies like these are very rare as most copies have long since disintegrated, melted, or crumbled.
Miraculously, some copies have made it through the years. Check out this amazing restoration by Ray Castile on the The HMA
Topstone Mummy replica. Photo by J.Willis
A few more pics of the Benevidez Mummy Tribute, HMA exclusive half mask
That concludes our loathsome look at the Topstone Mummy. Stay tuned as we take a look at more Topstones in frightening future posts!
The last mask looks a bit like Micheal Cane.